Credit hours. Credit
points. Credits. Credits. Credits. What in the world are these things we keep
hearing about?!
For some of you guys
who studied in the Indian or Arabic Schools(like me), these words might not
really be familiar. But worry not Dearie, I am here to help explain these
foreign words to you.
The credit system
differs from country to country and college to college. In general, it could be
the hours spent in a class, the points gained by submitting assignments or the
points awarded in tests or exams.
The completion of a
pre-set number of credit hours or points validate a student's graduation in
some colleges along with the final passing marks of exams.
In my college,
credit points are offered every semester on the completion of one subject or
class. Supposing an English language class holds 3 credit points and is
scheduled for two hours every week for four months. On the completion of this
class, the student gains 3 credit points at the end of the semester.
These credit points
are assigned to the classes each person takes and furthermore these classes are
divided based on the major requirements, college requirements and the general
For example, for my major you need 146 credit points to get your Sharia bachelor's degree.
These 146 credit
points are divided as
- General University requirements (24 Credits) : these are subjects that every student of every Major has to take such as Arabic, English etc.
- Mandatory = 15 credit points
are seven subjects provided with 3 credit points each from which you can choose
any 5 to gain the mandatory points
- Electives / optionals = 9 credit points : You are provided with a list of subects from which you can choose what you want.
are eight subjects provided with 3 credit points each from which you can choose
any 3 to gain the mandatory points
- College requirements (64 credit points) : These are subjects related to a respective college like the College of Arts, College of Engineering and Petroleum or the College of Sharia
- Mandatory = 64 credit points
my College, all the 24 classes provided here are mandatory. There are 4 classes
with only 1 credit each and 20 classes with 3 credits each
- Major Requirements (54 credit points) : These subjects correspond to your specific major.
- Mandatory = 30 credit points
this section I have 10 subjects with 3 credit points each which make all
classes mandatory
- Electives/ Optional = 24 credit points
- Group one = 12 credit points
- Group two = 12 credit points
In some other colleges, Credit points could be offered when you submit an assignment.
For Example, in one semester your professor assigns you two assignments in your Biology Class with the following points :
- Research on the Anatomy of the Human Body - 5 Credits
- Research on the Cells of an onion skin - 3 credits
While in some other colleges you might receive credit points based on the marks or grades you get in a test or quiz either at the end of semester or during the semester.
So in a nutshell, some colleges offer credit points on the completion of set number or classes per semester, while some credit points could be offered based on the marks you gain per assignment or test while other colleges offer credit points based on the hours you sit in each class or the corresponding or equivalent hours of home study or home work.
Each college is different but the concept is the same, credits are points offered on the completion of a provided task.
If you have any more
questions regarding credit points , you can ask me anytime!